How to Convert CMYK to HEX
Converting CMYK colors to HEX is important for digital design workflows, ensuring accurate representation across various digital platforms. The process involves several steps to achieve precise color translation as outlined below:
Normalization of CMYK Values
Before proceeding with the conversion, normalize the CMYK values. CMYK values typically range from 0% to 100%, while HEX color codes use a hexadecimal system. Normalization ensures compatibility between the two color models.
To normalize CMYK values, each component (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) is divided by 100:
C* = C / 100
M* = M / 100
Y* = Y / 100
K* = K / 100
Example: Let's consider the CMYK values:
- Cyan (C) = 40%
- Magenta (M) = 20%
- Yellow (Y) = 10%
- Black (K) = 0%
Interpreting Formula:
- C* = 40 / 100 = 0.4
- M* = 20 / 100 = 0.2
- Y* = 10 / 100 = 0.1
- K* = 0 / 100 = 0.0
Conversion to RGB
Once the CMYK values are normalized, conversion to RGB is necessary before obtaining the HEX color code. RGB serves as an intermediate step in the conversion process.
RGB values are calculated using the following formulas:
R = 255 × (1 - C*) × (1 - K*)
G = 255 × (1 - M*) × (1 - K*)
B = 255 × (1 - Y*) × (1 - K*)
Interpreting Formula:
Calculating RGB values:
- R = 255 × (1 - 0.4) × (1 - 0.0) = 153
- G = 255 × (1 - 0.2) × (1 - 0.0) = 204
- B = 255 × (1 - 0.1) × (1 - 0.0) = 229.5
Conversion to HEX
Finally, the RGB values are converted to HEX format. Each RGB component is represented by a two-digit hexadecimal number ranging from 00 to FF.
HEX color code is obtained by connecting the hexadecimal values for R, G, and B. Check our RGB to HEX conversion tool to learn how RGB converts to HEX code.
So, at last:
HEX color = "#" + R-hex + G-hex + B-hex
Interpreting Formula:
- R-hex = 153 ≈ 99 in hex
- G-hex = 204 ≈ CC in hex
- B-hex = 229 ≈ E6 in hex
Interpreting HEX Color Code
The resulting HEX color code represents the color in hexadecimal notation, widely used in digital design and web development.
Interpreting Formula:
- HEX color code = #99CCE6
Examples to Convert CMYK to HEX with Formula without Tool
Example 1:
CMYK Values: (0%, 61%, 72%, 0%)
HEX Color: #FF6347
Color Representation: This corresponds to a vibrant shade of orange-red.
Example 2:
CMYK Values: (100%, 1%, 0%, 18%)
HEX Color: #00CED1
Color Representation: This corresponds to a bright turquoise color.
Example 3:
CMYK Values: (0%, 100%, 0%, 50%)
HEX Color: #800080
Color Representation: This corresponds to a rich purple color.
Example 4:
CMYK Values: (0%, 0%, 100%, 0%)
HEX Color: #FFFF00
Color Representation: This corresponds to a bright yellow color.
Example 5:
CMYK Values: (51%, 0%, 100%, 1%)
HEX Color: #7CFC00
Color Representation: This corresponds to a vibrant shade of green-yellow.