How to Manually Convert CMYK to HSV?
Converting CMYK to HSV also involves a series of steps to accurately represent colors in terms of their Hue, Saturation, and Value. Below is the manual calculation for this conversion:
Normalization of CMYK Values
Before proceeding with the conversion, normalize the CMYK values by dividing each component by 100:
C* = C/100
M* = M/100
Y* = Y/100
K* = K/100
Example: Let's consider the CMYK values:
- Cyan (C) = 50%
- Magenta (M) = 25%
- Yellow (Y) = 0%
- Black (K) = 20%
Interpreting Formula:
- C* = 50 / 100 = 0.5
- M* = 25 / 100 = 0.25
- Y* = 0 / 100 = 0
- K* = 20 / 100 = 0.2
Conversion to RGB
Once normalized, convert the CMYK values to RGB using the following formulas:
R = 255 × (1 - C*) × (1 - K*)
G = 255 × (1 - M*) × (1 - K*)
B = 255 × (1 - Y*) × (1 - K*)
Interpreting Formula:
- R = 255 × (1 - 0.5) × (1 - 0.2) = 102
- G = 255 × (1 - 0.25) × (1 - 0.2) = 153
- B = 255 × (1 - 0) × (1 - 0.2) = 204
Conversion to HSV
With the RGB values obtained, convert them to HSV using the following steps:
Hue (H): It is calculated based on the relative positions of the normalized RGB values.
Saturation (S): It is calculated based on the maximum and minimum RGB values.
Value (V): It is calculated as the maximum of the normalized RGB values.
To understand its detailed conversion, check our RGB to HSV conversion tool.
Interpreting Formula:
After normalizing the RGB-obtained values and utilizing formulas, here’s the final result:
- H: 210°
- S: 50%
- V: 80%
Examples to Convert CMYK to HSV with Formula without Tool
Example 1:
CMYK Values: (100%, 20%, 80%, 10%)
HSV Values: (135°, 100%, 72%)
Color Representation: It is a shade of teal green.
Example 2:
CMYK Values: (10%, 60%, 60%, 10%)
HSV Values: (0°, 56%, 81%)
Color Representation: It is a shade of orange.
Example 3:
CMYK Values: (100%, 0%, 100%, 0%)
HSL Values: (120°, 100%, 100%)
Color Representation: It is a vibrant shade of green.
Example 4:
CMYK Values: (0%, 100%, 50%, 0%)
HSV Values: (330°, 100%, 100%)
Color Representation: It is a shade of pink, often referred to as "fuchsia" or "hot pink."
Example 5:
CMYK Values: (50%, 0%, 0%, 0%)
HSV Values: (180°, 50%, 100%)
Color Representation: It is a bright shade of cyan-blue.