RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL values for the color represented by the HEX code #b82100.
RGB: 184, 33, 0 | CMYK: 0%, 82%, 100%, 28% |
HSV: H: 11° S: 100% V: 72% | HSL: H: 11° S: 100% L: 36% |
#B82100 Color Preview
#b82100 is a shade of red color with RGB values (184, 33, 0). As mentioned above, this color is a combination of CMYK: 0% Cyan, 82% Magenta, 100% Yellow, and 28% Key (Black) in the CMYK color model.
As mentioned in the table, the HSL cylindrical-coordinate representations have the following values: Hue (H): 11°, Saturation (S): 100%, and Lightness (L): 36%.
The HSV values for #b82100 are as follows: Hue (H): 11°, Saturation (S): 100%, Value (V): 72%.
RGB Values
RGB Values in Percentage
CMYK Distribution
Below is the visual demonstration of #B82100 color shade that interacts to create distinct effects on black and white backgrounds and texts.
<div style="color: #B82100; background-color: #000000;">This is sample text</div>
<div style="color: #000000; background-color: #B82100;">This is sample text</div>
<div style="color: #ffffff; background-color: #B82100;">This is sample text</div>
<div style="color: #B82100;">This is sample text</div>
CSS Codes
You can freely substitute any of these values for CSS properties that require a color input: color, background color, and border color.
color: rgb(184, 33, 0);
color: #b82100;
color: rgb(184, 33, 0);
background-color: rgb(184, 33, 0);
border-color: rgb(184, 33, 0);
color: #b82100;
background-color: #b82100;
border-color: #b82100;
Color schemes with #B82100
Here, the analogous color with hex code #B82100 has #B87D00 and #B8003B at 30 degrees clockwise and counterclockwise.
For the shade with hex code #B82100, a monochromatic palette will feature a corresponding shade #EB2A00, originating from the same hue.
The triadic palette built around #B82100 uses two accents #00B821 and #2100B8, each 120 degrees apart from the main hue.
The complementary color for #B82100 is #0097B8.
Here, for the primary color #B82100, the complementary shade is #3BB800 plus two accent colors, i.e., #0097B8 and #7D00B8.